Our Clinical Team


Mental Health Practitioner

Our team of Mental Health Practitioners can help with a wide range of mental health issues, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating disorder
  • and personality disorders

They can also assist with relationship and family problems, stress and anger management, grief and loss, trauma and PTSD and issues related to sexuality and gender identity.

They provide various types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis, and interpersonal therapy, and may recommend medication or refer individuals to other healthcare providers as needed.

Our Mental Health Practitioners also work to promote mental wellness and preventative care.

"I have been the Mental Health Practitioner for Beckenham PCN for 6 months now, and I love that no two days are the same.

Although I have been doing this job for 6 months; I have seen the positive impact of the Mental Health Practitioner role in Beckenham GP practices, and how we can close that gap between primary care services and secondary services – in particular for those patients that cannot get access to tier 2 services.

As well as escalating those cases that need urgent support in a timely manner, we do play a crucial role in providing advice to patients and make referrals to specialist support - which can be life changing to an individual.  

I continue to work closely with Oxleas, as this allows me to continue to develop myself, by attending online training, peer support,  supervision and clinical case discussions with an experienced psychiatrist consultant, all to ensure I provide our patients with the best possible care.

Beckenham Primary Care Network has a real ‘one team’ approach, I am greeted with a smile at each practice which makes me feel appreciated and valued. 

This is the happiest I have felt in a role for a long time."

Monica Goez-Franco

Beckenham PCN Mental Health Practitioner

Talk Together Bromley

Talk Together Bromley is provided by Bromley Healthcare. If you are experiencing anxiety or depression and registered with one of our Beckenham practices, you can access their service for free.

Contact the team or self refer via their website if you think this is a service that will help you.

For more information on how to support your mental health, please visit NHS Every Mind Matters.

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